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Pesky Gremlins Comic 859 – Leakage


With a little gremlin help, an MGA's minor oil dribble is suddenly turned into a gushing torrent.

Regular readers of this comic strip might have noticed that this cartoon is a little different.  The gremlins are applying their dubious skills on another car and they have a new mark (although he is hard to see under all of that oil).  There is a little story behind all of this.  This cartoon was originally part of a collaboration with an author whose articles about restoring his classic MGA were to appear in an automotive publication later this year.  This article related the story of how the author encountered and repaired numerous mysterious mechanical maladies on his MGA. Obviously, these mysterious mechanical maladies were the work of gremlins and would lend themselves to a cartoon. However, due to reasons that I am not privy to, the article will not be published in that periodical.  So, I will share it our readers instead.