Pesky Gremlins Comic 869 – Gremlin Infestation

Gremlin Infestation

An older twin-engine aircraft has been infested with a gaggle of disorganized gremlins. Don't worry. The airplane and its contents aren't in trouble. That many gremlins all together are more of a hazard to each other than they are to the airplane.

4 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 869 – Gremlin Infestation

  1. Well I sure wouldn’t want to be on that plane, or anywhere near it!

    That’s a fun picture, Howard.

    1. Yeah, it would be more than a little disconcerting to be on board that flight.

      Thanks Binky! I haven’t done a cartoon like that in a very long time and it was a lot of fun to draw. I may do some more of them in the future.

  2. They are going to need that hammer!

    1. There is still one other gremlin that brought his hammer there.

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