Over Watch

10 551

Pesky Gremlins Comic 302 – Over Watch

Over Watch

Snafu has secretly watched over the lost puppy while waiting for the puppy’s owner to show.  But when the scary dog catcher shows up instead, Snafu rides to the rescue.

10 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 302 – Over Watch

  1. Now that is a nice gesture from a gremlin!

    1. The gremlins seem to have a bit of a soft spot, don’t they?

  2. Whoa! Snafu rocks! 😀

    1. And he “borrowed” a TSA cart to do it!

  3. I guess that’s called the Snafu Snatch!

    1. I was going to go with the “Gremlin Grab” but the “Snafu Snatch” had a better ring to it.

  4. Can we blame the government shutdown on gremlins of jackasses ?

    1. Jackasses. Somethings, like the federal government, are simply beyond a mere gremlins ability to mess up.

  5. Good job, Snafu! ^-^

    1. I will convey you message to Snafu. He will be surprise as most of his messages start with #$&#!

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