Up to Something

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Pesky Gremlins Comic 139 – Up to Something

Up to Something

Christmas has come and gone.  The decorations have been taken down and the trash taken out.  Lucas is up to something but its probably not what you expect.  See what the gremlins are up to this time next Monday!

7 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 139 – Up to Something

  1. Thinking of how much mess he can make by scattering that trash perhaps

    Awwww… how’s an old guy like me gunna work out the math question???

    1. That would be the obvious choice and his (and my) original intentions. However, we had a change of heart and came up with something a little different.

  2. I just looked at your Gremlinology page & it is so true to life about what they tinker with. What a great idea for a comic. Adding you to my RSS Reader Harry, Herbert, Heindreich, Hans, Helen, Harriett or whatever the H stands for. 😀

    1. Hi Tony, sorry for the delayed response. Been busy with all this holiday stuff. Thanks for the comments. First time that I have had a comment about the Gremlinology page. Thanks! By the way, the Greminology page is due for a major update later this year.

      Oh, and the H stands for Howard

  3. The H stands for Hortense, but he got beat up so many time in Middle School that now he tells everyone is stands for Howard.

    1. You would think that I could come up with a better name…

    2. Ha Ha!!!

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