Talking to Yourself

10 655

Pesky Gremlins Comic 602 – Talking to Yourself

Talking to Yourself

Without even realizing it, Snafu in his role as Count Otto von Cordovan, ends up doing what all villains doing.

Today’s web page bonus image is the E-type Jaguar that serves as lounge ware for the gremlins and occasionally transportation for Elmo

jaguar E-type xke illustraion

The Jaguar is usually cropped and or covered by something. In today’s strip, it is wedged between Snafu’s monster box and Fubar’s much more reasonably sized box. It almost never appears in its entirety. So, here it is!

The Jaguar actually played a pivotal role in Pesky Gremlins. It is literally the vehicle that brought the gremlins to Elmo’s garage. The three gremlins arrived in style in this shiny red curvaceous car several years ago. The neighborhood has never been the same.

10 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 602 – Talking to Yourself

  1. All the best villains do.

    That’s a wonderful drawing of an XKE! Hard to believe the basic design is almost 60 years old.

    1. Any villain worth his salt is a monologuer!

      Thank you for the comment on the XKE drawing. It does still look pretty good for a 60+ year old!

  2. It’s all the excitement!

    1. That could be it. Snafu is excited about being the bad guy.

  3. Snafu actually did that very well. Sweet drawing of the jag, man.

    1. Lucas stopped the monologue at just the right moment. Otherwise, it would have become an monotonous monologue.

      Thanks for the jaguar comment.

  4. Monolingualists can be quite handy to have around

    1. Hi Tony! Long time, no see. How have you been?

      1. Sorry to hear about the bad period but glad to hear that thing have improved and that you are back at the drawing board.

        1. Sorry to hear about the bad period but glad to hear that thing have improved and that you are back at the drawing board.

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