The Next Obstacle

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Pesky Gremlins Comic 308 – The Next Obstacle

The Next Obstacle

Even nature conspires against Elmo making getting to his important job interview extremely difficult.  Elmo’s next obstacle is a Northern Winter.

8 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 308 – The Next Obstacle

  1. If he’s interviewing to be a popsicle then he’s dressed for the part, otherwise he’s going to need a really warm Uber/Lyft.

    1. No, Elmo is not interviewing for a position as a popsicle or any other variety of frozen dessert. In his current state, he will probably freeze on the way from curb to cab.

  2. A puppy under the shirt makes a good hot water bottle.

    1. That just might work. …and make for an interesting job interview!

  3. Yes, jacket please!

    1. A jacket, coat, or better yet, a parka is definitely in order.

  4. Just looking at the last panel… ‘BRRRRRRRRRRRRR’!! O_o

    1. That was exactly the feeling I was going for.

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