Pesky Gremlins Comic 730 – Definitely Worse

Definitely Worse

Having been recalled to Elmo’s garage over a minor complaint, the gremlin Worse gives Elmo a demonstration on how his situation could indeed be worse.

On the CGI front, work continues on the last scene.  The last scene was the computer desk and was certainly the easiest to create.  It was a simple scene with just a computer desk, chair, and of course, the computer itself.  Drawing this scene tended to be cumbersome as it had to be drawn from different perspectives for just a single strip.  Drawing it two or three times could really take the fun out of drawing the cartoon.  So, here it is in CGI format from several different angles.

computer desk render

The computer is missing the usual “Amazoogle” stuff, but that is easy to add in either the CGI files or just cut and past it after the scene has been generated. computer render computer render The back of the computer is just begging for a wiring mess, but that is something the gremlins or Rob, the computer bug, can do at a later date.

That was the last of the scenes that I had set out to create. In the future, those scenes should be a huge time saver.

4 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 730 – Definitely Worse

  1. Four flats at once has to be the work of a Gremlin.

    The great advantage of 3D models: you can view them from any angle or distance with no extra effort.

    1. Four flats at the same time has to be more than just a coincidence!

      Yes, 3D cartoon models mean no more drawing and redrawing repetitive background stuff.

  2. I hope he has a warranty on those tires!

    1. Elmo explaining to the service department how he got 4 flat tires at the same time could be very entertaining!

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