Strange Bedfellows

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Pesky Gremlins Comic 88 – Strange Bedfellows

Strange Bedfellows

After you have been woken up by a call in the middle of the night, it takes some time for the adrenaline rush to wear off. Elmo is wide awake at 5 AM…

On a slightly different note, this strip was kind of an experiment.  Most of the Pesky Gremlins strips are created the old fashion way with pen, bush, and ink. I usually scan them in to the computer, then clean the image up with Photoshop. I finish everything in Manga Studio (aka Clip Studio) by adding the word balloons and gradients. However, this time I used more of Manga Studios capabilities to finish the cartoon.

Here is panel 4 prior to going into Manga Studio for finishing.

Gremlins and Elmo ink


Normally, I would have inked in all of the black.  However, this time I used Manga Studio to fill in the background and paint the panels.  Much faster and no messy clean up.  I have barely scratched the surface of what Manga Studio can do.  Anyone know of any good tutorials for Manga Studios?

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