Too Easy
Typically, when the gremlin Worse appears, he has to scheme just a little to conceive of a worse situation. However, Elmo’s simple problem is easy to make worse allowing the gremlin to take a break from his busy schedule.
The 3D backgrounds are just about done. Lately, I have been working in Elmo’s den and all of the entertainment equipment that resides there. I probably have complicated my efforts by using a rather elaborate TV-Stereo setup but it was fun to tracking down all of the pieces. Here is how Elmo’s entertainment center has appeared in the past:
and here is the 3D version:
And here is the wiring mess that lives behind every entertainment center (the gremlins are going to LOVE this). The wiring and cabling was a lot of work, but if I didn’t do it now, it would never get done.
Here is Elmo’s beloved leather wingback chair as it was drawn and painted some time ago. This is one of my favorite props and has appeared lots of times over the years.
Here is the digital version of the wingback chair.
Finally, here is the sofa that also resides in the den as drawn last year:
And as drawn by the computer.
When you put it all together, it looks like this:
Since the 3D work is nearing completion, the gremlins will start appearing twice a week – on Wednesdays and Fridays. With any luck, they will be back to 3 times a week before the end of the year.
4 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 727 – Too Easy”
I think Worse has visited me a number of times since dropped nuts/bolts/washers always seem to vanish.
That is quite an elaborate stereo/TV system. And the cabling is a nice detail.
H Stacy
The same thing happens to me. Nuts, bolts, screws, nails all just disappear and I never see them again.
Thanks Peter! Elmo and the gremlins now have an upgraded stereo system. There is even an old Nintendo system in the mix. The wiring is there mainly as a Blender training exercise. Prior to this, I didn’t know how to do that kind of thing.
David Hurley
I bet he likes to take socks too!
H Stacy
I hadn’t thought of that, but you are right. That is also what must have happened to all of those socks that I am missing.