An Ink image of the giant crab from Jonny Quest episode 24 Terror Island has been added to the Jonny Quest Gallery.
An Ink image of the giant crab from Jonny Quest episode 24 Terror Island has been added to the Jonny Quest Gallery.
An Ink image of Turu the Terrible from Jonny Quest Episode 15 and the opening credits has been added to the Jonny Quest Gallery.
The Ink image the Condor from the Jonny Quest Episode 10, Shadow of the Condor has been added to the Jonny Quest Gallery.
An ink image of a hovercraft from the Jonny Quest opening credits has been added tot he Jonny Quest Gallery.
An ink image of the robot spy from Jonny Quest episode number 8 “Dr. Zin’s Robot Spy” has been added to the Jonny Quest Gallery.
The Sea Haunt creature ink image from Jonny Quest episode number 26 “The Sea Haunt” has been added to the Jonny Quest Gallery
An ink image of the mummy from from Jonny Quest episode number 3 “Curse of Anubis” has been added to the Jonny Quest Gallery.
A Gargoyle ink image from Jonny Quest episode number 23 “The House of Seven Gargoyles” has been added to the Jonny Quest Gallery.
The Invisible Monster ink image from Jonny Quest episode number 20 has been added to the Jonny Quest Gallery.
The Jonny Quest cartoon series inks that were done for Inktober several years ago have their own gallery now. Not all of the original Inktober drawing are in this gallery, yet. But as soon as they can be rescanned and cleaned up, they will be added.
Follow the link below to the Jonny Quest Gallery.