Pesky Gremlins Comic – Backgrounds: Peterbilt

Backgrounds: Peterbilt

I picked the highly intimidating Peterbilt truck from the 1971 movie “Duel” to scare Elmo and Sprocket while they were out on a little road trip.  The rusty Peterbilt, which was essentially a partially obscured background prop, was immediately recognized by the readers.  For those who wanted a better look at the weathered and rusted star of the movie “Duel” here are the drawings without the grackles or Elmo obscuring the view.

1961 Peterbilt from the movie Duel illustration

The front view of the Peterbilt took a long time to color.  I had never tried to draw a rusty, weather-beaten vehicle before this.  I spent way too much time trying different things to get the right look.  Ultimately, I arrived at a good enough technique to achieve the dusty-rusty appearance.  I think I could have done even better if I hadn’t run out of time.  Oh well, it was just a background.

Peterbilt illustration rear view

Here is that rear view of the Peterbilt that Elmo and Sprocket had after narrowly missing the truck.  Fortunately, the driver was not in nearly as bad of a mood as he was back in 1971 and gave Elmo and Sprocket a pass.

Peterbilt illustration rear view

This is Elmo and Sprocket’s last glimpse at the Peterbilt before it vanished in the distance.



4 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic – Backgrounds: Peterbilt

  1. The rust effect looks really good, as does the tuck.

    1. It took a little while to figure out how to do the rust and dust. But it was kind of obvious after I got started.
      …And Peterbilt does build one intimidating truck.

  2. Peterbilts… the Alpha truck.

    1. Peterbilts are the Alpha truck. Just as intimidating today as they were in “Duel” back in 1971

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