Pesky Gremlins Comic 737 – Red Lettered Day

Red Lettered Day

Gremlins rarely keep track of the calendar, but sometimes the days of the year are not the only thing that sneaks up on them.

Slim, who claims to be the “World’s most famous glow-in-the-dark plastic skeleton”, makes his annual appearance to bring another Halloween themed story to the gremlin’s garage and steal the spotlight for the month of October.  What will Slim’s twisted tale of terror be this year??

6 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 737 – Red Lettered Day

  1. I like the tape on the glasses!

    1. Since Slim has no ears, so he needs that duct tape to keep his glasses in place.
      (Lucas has the same problem, but we don’t like to talk about it.)

  2. Slim the scene stealer!

    1. That scene stealing really irks Snafu.

  3. Jack of Gulls Comic

    Fall is the best time of year! Skeletons!

    1. Obviously, I have a soft spot for Skeletons! especially the plastic glow-in-the-dark variety.

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