Dark and Stormy Night
The gremlin’s plan to convince Elmo that he has a cat goes horribly wrong after Elmo figures out that he is being played. Poor Trouble is the focus of Elmo’s ire.
The web page bonus image today is something a little different: a train! Here it is in pen and ink…
AND color.
10 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 632 – Dark and Stormy Night”
Trouble is very fortunate it was a stormy night! And nice backlit lightening panel.
Love the train drawing! Right out of my old HO days.
H Stacy
The big storm did work in Trouble’s favor. The backlit lightening panel was by far the most fun to do. I don’t often get the chance to do those kinds of panels.
Yep, that train came straight from my sons HO train set, too.
David Hurley
Watch out for the claws!
H Stacy
Good point! Scared cats generally make extensive use of their claws. Hmmm… material for a future strip?
Elmo has such a good heart.
H Stacy
Yes and hopefully, this will not lead to a house full of cats.
Tony McGurk
Looks like the weather is Trouble’s friend. Great work on panel 3. Very effective
H Stacy
You don’t usually see weather like that being favorable to cats.
Thanks, Tony, for the comment on panel 3. I like doing the high contrast stuff.
Jack of Gulls Comic
Panel 3 for the win.
H Stacy
That was my favorite panel, too.