Pesky Gremlins Comic 306 – Patience


Snafu identifies Elmo as the puppy’s future owner and urges patience while he plots the perfect “I need a puppy moment.”   Also, this will be the last appearance of scary looking dog catcher, at least for this story.

8 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 306 – Patience

  1. That’s a puppy moment!

    1. It IS a puppy moment, but Elmo might find it a tad intimidating.

  2. I can’t resist. SLUG-PUDDING !!!

    1. I really can’t add anymore to that.

  3. This is the time for big watery puppy eyes!

    1. I am not sure if I can draw the big sad puppy eyes. I will have to see how that is done.

  4. Better beat feet before someone calls the EMS for dawg ketcher… O_o

    1. Righto! Gremlins are experts on evade and escape.

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