Hot Pursuit
The scary looking animal control guy pursues his quarry, the lost pup. The puppy will have to rely on his speed and agility to elude the dog catchers net.
The scary looking animal control guy pursues his quarry, the lost pup. The puppy will have to rely on his speed and agility to elude the dog catchers net.
10 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 299- Hot Pursuit”
So far, the little doggy is doing a good job of evading capture!
H Stacy
Speed and agility are on the puppy’s side.
Jerry Keslensky
This can only end badly. Somebody is going to get caught or have a heart attack.
H Stacy
Or maybe caught WHILE having a heart attack.
David Hurley
Keep going doggy!
H Stacy
That little pup REALLY needs a name!
The Artful Dodger!
H Stacy
Hi RG! That is both and accurate statement and a potential name for the puppy.
Puppy has some impressive moves!
H Stacy
The puppy’s youth and agility does have its advantage.