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Pesky Gremlins Comic 237 – Heartless


After having his heart broken, the Tinman realizes that he is now without a heart.   This news, however, comes as a bit of a shock to the Heart.

8 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 237 – Heartless

  1. But don’t tell my heart
    My achy breaky heart
    I just don’t think he’d understand.

    1. ooh! You’ve done it again! I should have called this one Achy Breaky Heart.

  2. I think he might need a cardiologist.

    1. think either a cardiologist or a clockmaker is in order, but I am not sure which?

  3. Oh boy, that is not a happy face!

    1. He is pretty angry. It would upset anyone to have their Heart-Clock thingy treated like that.

  4. Whoa! Tinman looks like Philo Beddoe when he gets mad! 😯

    1. Philo Beddoe – as in a young Clint Eastwood. You have given me a great new source for future Tinman facial expressions! Thanks!

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