Pesky Gremlins Comic 313 – First Impressions

First Impressions

Elmo makes a truly memorable first impression on the receptionist at Amazoogle front desk.

...with our apologies to Kenny at South Park.

11 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 313 – First Impressions

  1. Totally fell out of my chair laughing. 🙂

    1. Thanks J.P.! Best news that I have heard today 🙂

  2. If the boss is a nerd too, then he’s guaranteed the job! 😀

    1. But first, Elmo must get thru…

      the Interview.

  3. Sounds like Elmo might just fit in.

    1. He could be part of the Zoo at AmaZOOgle.

  4. We all did! 😉

    1. Elmo is channeling Kenny… at least until he get that zipper loose.

  5. Aaaaaaah-Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I don’t know how ya did it Snafu, but that was the mark of a master gremlin!

    1. While Snafu is laughing off stage, the real credit should go to that receptionist.

      1. True for the most part, but I was talking about the zipper sticking at just the right moment… 😉

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