Pesky Gremlins Comic 360 – Mastermind


Snafu is reminded, yet again, that he is not the gremlin mastermind that he thinks he is when Elmo exposes a rather large hole in his plot.

11 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 360 – Mastermind

  1. I guess removing those couple of bolts didn’t have too much of an effect. At least not right away.

    1. Those missing bolts didn’t prevent that old car from starting. No effect …yet.

  2. Heheheheheheheheheheh! Snafu pulled the wrong rotor button this time… Course, that doesn’t mean his plan won’t work in the future…

    1. His plan might work the next time Elmo (or Slim?) tries to start the old Corvette. It also seems that Snafu has a fairly low opinion of Elmo’s mechanical abilities.

      1. Oh, and kudos for correctly identifying the part that Snafu had removed!

        1. Yeah, I have to admit there was a frustrating event which has burned the rotor button into my memory.

        2. I have several of those “fond” memories, too. Usually resulting in my being stranded and a big bill.

  3. Jaguar’s are designed to have lots of totally unnecessary parts just for such occasions.

    1. Old Jaguars like Elmo’s are a rolling hardware store.

  4. And off he goes!

    1. To the open road! But wait, almost forgot something…

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