Pesky Gremlins Comic – Backgrounds: Airliners

Pesky Gremlins Comic – Backgrounds: Airliners

I will finish the backgrounds series with the airliners.  The Gremlins will be back with a new strip next week.

I recently (like last week) did a story based on the old Twilight Zone episode “Nightmare at 20,000 feet”.  I knew ahead of time that the drawings and backgrounds would be difficult because of the settings.  Dark and Rainy would be challenging.  So, to get a leg up on this, I started drawing airliners ahead of time.  Here are three of the Lockheed Constellations that I drew and colored before the story started.  Unfortunately, I didn’t use any of them.  The closest I came to using any of the Constellations was the ink for the third one was used for the open of the story, but due to all of the lightning and bad weather, I had to recolor it.

Lockheed Constellation airliner

The next two pictures are of the Douglas DC-3 that Snafu ran into (literally!) Neko the flying Monkey. This was the first time I tried to color shiny bare metal airplane. The effort wasn’t entirely successful, but hey, it was just the background.

Douglas DC-3 DC3 airliner

Douglas DC-3 DC3 airliner rear view

The last plane in a Boeing 707. This was done quickly and is pretty basic stuff. The airplane showed up in a Sunny cartoon, with several familiar gremlins, in the first stormy weather scene that I ever attempted.

Boeing 707 airliner

Gremlin group photo

4 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic – Backgrounds: Airliners

  1. A picture for the scrapbooks.

    1. The gremlin from the Twilight Zone want everybody to sign it, too.

  2. Your technical drawings are always so good!

    1. Thanks! Gremlins need stuff the looks real to break.

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