Pesky Gremlins Comic 271 – Fearless


I needed a cop to finish this story so instead of inventing my own, I borrowed Al Capp’s Fearless Fosdick.

12 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 271 – Fearless

  1. Fearless Fosdick ! Wow an Al Capp tribute. A classic character.

    1. Fearless Fosdick is one of my all time favorite cartoon characters. Only thing is, not sure if people still remember him.

  2. It definitely dates us , Howard. I was a huge fan of Al Capp when I was a kid. His comics were so inventive.

    1. It does kind of date us. But Fearless Fosdick is appropriate for the time period that this story takes place. Also, I still am a big fan of Al Capp. He was a great cartoonist and a brilliant marketeer.

  3. I liked Dick Tracy, but I didn’t remember Fearless Fosdick in Li’l Abner.

    1. Fearless Fosdick was a character that was ‘a comic within a comic’. Li’l Abner would read about his adventures in the Dogpatch funnies, and it would provide a whole different story arc.

    2. Oops! Forgot to give you the link!

      1. Interesting. Thanks for the link!

    3. You might not be old enough to remember Fearless Fosdick. He showed up in the early 1940s.

      …And, no, I am not that old:)

      1. I may not be that old, but I’m old enough!

  4. gotta say… I… I never expected Fosdick! Wonderfully random! 😀

    1. Why, thank you RG! I was a little concerned that I had set the Way-Back machine a little too far.

      Also, thanks for putting the link to Fearless in the comments. I should have done that when I posted the first Fearless Fosdick cartoon.

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