Out of the Darkness

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Pesky Gremlins Comic 670 – Out of the Darkness

Out of the Darkness

Drawn by mysterious noises emanating from underneath the fridge, Sara C. S. Stout confronts the creature living in the darkness under her Frigidaire.

I know that you don’t expect to see a new Pesky Gremlins posted on a Thursday, but looking at the material that I have collected for this story, I either had to edit out quite a bit or post more frequently.  So, throwing quality control to the wind, I have chose to post Slim’s Halloween story more often.  For the rest of October, look for new Pesky Gremlins postings on Thursdays.

Today’s web page bonus is the first appearance of the Mummy.  …back when he was considered scary.

Mummy ink

4 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 670 – Out of the Darkness

  1. Looks like they have equal disregard for each other.

    Wasn’t expecting a bonus cartoon today. I guess that makes your extra drawing a bonus squared one. The shading on the wrappings are really nice!

    1. Yes indeed. There is no mutual admiration there.

      I suppose that since this is a bonus posting, that would make the Mummy a bonus bonus web image.

  2. Oh look she has a new friend!!! She is very judgemental in the last panel. Looked in the mirror lately Sarah???

    1. Both Sarah C. S. Stout and the Blob are equally repelled by one another. As they say, “The feeling is mutual”.

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