Friends like These
The saying “With friends like these, who needs enemies.” is particularly applicable to gremlins.
I don’t usually share in-progress cartoon work, but I have included another black and white, high contrast frame or two and they didn’t look too bad on paper. Note, that this time, I was not compelled to to it because my computer was being uncooperative. Here is the scanned image before I cleaned it up and resized it:
I kind of chickened out and did not ink these on the main cartoon page. I copied them to a separate bristol board and inked them there. That way, if I botched the inking, I would still have a good copy that I could just color the normal way. While this one came out OK, it takes me much longer to ink one of these than just color it. These two items took longer to complete than the rest of combined cartoon.
12 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 344 – Friends like these”
I didn’t know Gremlins gremlined each other.
B&W pen & ink drawings always have a special appeal, perhaps because one can concentrate more on the artwork that way.
H Stacy
Gremlins gremlining other gremlins is a favorite gremlin activity!
I have always been impressed by those artists that could do that high contrast B&W pen and ink work. I am not one of them mind you, but I do like trying it.
I think you do a very good job of it!
H Stacy
Thank you. I certainly appreciate that.
I’m glad Snafu is setting it up so Lucas can finally have a chance to get over his fear. Course… Lucas is very entertaining when he’s being chased.
H Stacy
You know, when I drew this cartoon, that’s what I was thinking, too. However, someone pointed out that perhaps Snafu was just being thrifty and no longer needed to pay the werewolf to scare Lucas now that he has his own dog.
Also, I kind of liked that werewolf. He maybe back sometime…
David Hurley
I’d say that fear will soon be gone!
H Stacy
Well, there is still some in the next strip. But after that…
Jerry Keslensky
Great strip.
H Stacy
Thanks J.P.!
Wow! I absolutely LOVE those black and whites! Amazing cross-hatching!
H Stacy
Thank you, Dana!