Breaking News

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Breaking News

Breaking News

I have been beset by technical difficulties this weekend.  It started with an almost-new electric can opener stopped working.  An electric can opener should last longer than a few months, right?   Then a ceiling fan motor started squealing and that burning smell permeated the house.  The circuit breaker was quickly thrown.   Next, the network storage device where I store my work goes offline and finally, my laptop joins the conspiracy to thwart my work by having the display driver hopelessly confuse the two attached monitors.

This cartoon is brought to you by old fashion ink and paper and as-for-now functioning cell phone.

Hope to have these technical issues ironed out in time for the next installment of Pesky Gremlins.


2 thoughts on “Breaking News

  1. The technology is slowly and insidiously destroying life as we know it. We are all doomed. They’re replacing humanity one person at a time.Beware of the men who come in the night carrying those giant pods. Don’t go to sleep, don’t close your eyes, don’t ….. Never mind, everything is perfectly normal, it was just a keypad malfunction.

    1. Technology is not slowly destroying our life, it jumps in saying “CANNONBALL”.

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