Pesky Gremlins Comic 368 – Harms Way

Harms Way

Hotly pursued by the angry grackles from behind and facing a speeding Peterbilt from the front Elmo and Sprocket find themselves directly in harms way.

11 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 368 – Harms Way

  1. Now let’s hope nothing explodes!

    1. No explosions. I promise.

  2. Yeah, them Peterbilt’s are no joke!

    Haaaaaaaaaaa heheheheheheheheheh! (head stuck in the exhaust)

    heeeheeheehee! Bet them other birds are flying a lot lighter now.

    ‘snort’ (have a nice day) heheheheheheheheh!

    1. The Peterbilt’s are intimidating but a lot of fun to draw. I broke my “no more than 2 hours” rule while drawing the first two trucks. 🙂

      And, yes, that flight of grackles is out of “ammo”

  3. That could not happen to a nicer bunch of feather dusters. Gear Ground Grackles 🙂

    1. Too bad the Peterbilt didn’t get a few more grackles. 🙂

  4. Luckily the Jag has cat-like reflexes. Or maybe that was Elmo.

    1. Lucky for Elmo and Sprocket that the Jaguar has those cat-like reflexes. I would give credit to the car. After all, Elmo WAS driving on the wrong side of the road.

  5. I know the grackles are the bad guys but those faces…makes me go, “awww!”

    1. As bad guys go, the grackles aren’t really THAT bad. The worst that they could do is compel the use of some serious cleaning products.

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