Straight to Business
Even with a 3:00 o'clock in the morning phone call, it is jarring to dive straight in to business. The party on the other end of line should at least give Elmo a moment to get the fog of sleep out of his head.
Any call that come late at night or very early in the morning is going get your heart racing. Even telemarketers stop calling at some point during the evening. Late night work related calls are the worst! Bad news like, our computer has spontaneously combusted and you need to fix it, demand immediate action. While good news like, you have been promoted and are getting a big fat raise, can wait until morning.
2 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 81 – Straight to Business”
Yup…been there, done that.
H Stacy
Hope you got paid over time for it!
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