Technically, this cartoon would count as a rerun. However, it has never appeared as a featured cartoon as it was posted to a relatively obscure corner of the Pesky Gremlins website. Since its a holiday and I am away from the drawing board, this seemed like a good time to dust off and post this silly thing.
Also, don’t miss the last chance to enter the Name the Little Dog Contest.
5000 cents! *
A Commissioned Cartoon that could even appear in Pesky Gremlins! **
A crummy Pesky Gremlins T-shirt (suitable for dusting furniture or wiping up a messy spill)
*For those bad with decimal points and currency exchange rates, 5000 cents = $50 U.S. Dollars
** Subject to be selected by winner but maintain a PG rating
How to enter:
It couldn’t be easier! Using your favorite communication method, just send me the suggested dog name. However, I should point out that the following communications method will likely be successful:
Comment on the Pesky Gremlins Website (just scroll down)
Send me a comment or personal message on Twitter: @PeskyGremlins
Send me a message on Facebook: Elmo Glitch
Note that the following communications methods will likely be Unsuccessful:
Smoke Signals
10 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlin 356 – Rerun”
David Hurley
Looks like they are having fun!
H Stacy
Airplanes are gremlins favorite thing to tinker with!
Jerry Keslensky
Those little green devils at play ! Love it.
H Stacy
They do look to be enjoying themselves.
Got 8 laughs outta that one, but the best was the poor guy in a forced sky dive! ?
H Stacy
Don’t worry about the one in mid-plummet. Gremlins are pretty durable.
You know your flight is in trouble, when . . .
H Stacy
…when the gremlins don’t even TRY to conceal themselves
I like that one of them is checking on the real pilot.
H Stacy
The one checking out the real pilot was the first gremlins that I drew on the plane and he was my favorite one.