Fox Layng Guest Cartoon

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Pesky Gremlins Comic 298 – Fox Layng

Fox Layng

I don’t receive a lot of surprises but I did recently when I found this cartoon in a Christmas card upon returning from the holidays.  Fox Layng, of Alien and Dougie fame had selected several cartoons from the Root Beer Party to meet Alien and Dougie.  Pesky Gremlins was one of the lucky ones to receive Fox’s attention.   I would like to thank Fox for his efforts and capturing Snafu in a completely new situation.  I have never considered having the gremlins sabotage an alien spaceship or technology, but that setting offers many new (and unsettling) possibilities.

Fox did post the complete collection of his work recently on Twitter, but even on a 40 inch monitor, they were a little small.  So, I offer the Alien and Dougie in a much bigger form factor so all can enjoy his work.  I was most impressed with Fox’s color palate and was surprised to learn that Fox does this the old school way with markers!  Now, I don’t know how many of you have worked with colored markers but my experience could only be euphemistically called “mixed.”  Fox has mastered this rather difficult method (for me, anyway) and even shared some of his techniques and tools with me.  I plan to try some of Fox’s techniques in the near future.

Thanks Fox!

6 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 298 – Fox Layng

  1. Feldercarb !! circa 1977 Battlestar Galactica

    1. and now with a gremlin!

  2. You have me blushing and humbled by your words. Now of course I’m going to have to get all of them together at least a couple more times in a full-sized format (they might even fix Alien’s ship by accident). ?

    1. The gremlins occasionally get caught fixing things, but they find it terribly embarrassing. …And they have yet to “work” with other-worldly technology.

  3. Gremlining where no Gremlin has gone before!

    1. …and boldly break stuff.

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