Not Buying It

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Pesky Gremlins Comic 194 – Not Buying It

Not Buying It

While Fubar frets about whether his other horn will be the next horn broken, Lucas is clearly not buying into the yarn that Snafu is spinning.

Would you like to see the gremlins in another strip today?  If so, the gremlins are making an appearance in Bret Juliano’s Dust Bunny Mafia.

Follow the link to see today cartoon: Dust Bunny Mafia – Pay Top Dollar

Also, I would like to thank my good friend Dan Gibson for helping me with the Broken Horn story.

2 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 194 – Not Buying It

  1. This is getting honking crazy 🙂

    1. It going to get quite a bit sillier.

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