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Pesky Gremlins Comic 630 – Privy


The gremlins spared none of Elmo’s expense in purchasing this tasteless yet highly functional cat box.  After finishing this cartoon I have been informed that there is REALLY a product like this.  In fact, there are several similar offerings for your kitty.

For today’s web page bonus image, we have Lucas’ SPAD from the recent Box Fantasy story.  However, this is the first time that this image has been shown.  In the Box Fantasy, this particular image was shown suspended in the sky with it’s nose blown off.  Here it is a few moments before it was ruined.

SPAD biplane illustration

10 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 630 – Privy

  1. If I had a cat, I’d consider getting one of those! No more dealing with the litter box.

    Pretty nice looking plane!

    1. Feline facilities have come a long way.

  2. It’s getting personal now.

    1. Thankfully it is a covered cat box.

  3. And there’s a good reason they bury their leavings to…

    You have mad mechanical drawing skills, man!

    1. Fortunately, Trouble has no trouble with the cat box.

      Thanks RG! But I must confess that the computer figures in heavily with all the mechanical stuff.

  4. I had a laugh at the flushing kitty loo Harold/Henry/Hubert/Harvey (I’m curious what the H is because I like using people’s name when I comment). Then I read that you really can get them. Who’da thunk it?
    Beats cleaning up stinky cat muck.

    1. Hi Tony, The “H” stands for “Howard” …you were so close :). Yes indeed, you can buy a catbox that is very much like the one that I drew. There are several of them out there, however, I don’t think that they actually “flush”. They are just shaped like a kitty loo. You can see for yourself by just googling “cat box” and looking at the images.

      1. Flushing & full plumbing would be the way to go Howard. No stinky poop to clean up

        1. I would certainly not argue with that!

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