Pesky Gremlins Comic 713 – Hot Water

Hot Water

Now that I had built up a little confidence in my ability to build Blender 3D models, it was time to try something a little more challenging.  There is a water heater that has showed up in the background of the garage ever since the start of the strip.   It would be somewhat more difficult than some of the other 3D models that I had built before due to all of the bendy pipes and unique pipe fittings.   Here is one of the more recent versions of the water heater.

water heater cartoon

As you can see, it has lots of little details as well as a great deal of to and from water piping.  On the plus side, the main geometric body was just a large simple cylinder.   An easy place to start.

water heater model

Here is the start of the water heater. A large cylinder with a beveled top. It is sitting in the catch pan, which is just an open box. I also place a wall behind the water heater as that is where most of the piping disappears. water heater model Here I have added the large flex pipe on top of the water heater and some of the flexible tubing. I was going to make the bends smoother, but after looking at my own water heater, I decided to go with the same care and craftmanship that is used in the real world. water heater model A control box and some metal work have been added in this shot. water heater render I finally worked up the courage to add the really twisty insulated pipes and started adding some color and materials. The water heater is a dark metal color because it is attached to the catch pan (which will stay that color). The tank itself will be covered with a UV map (basically, a UV map is a big decal). water heater render The brass pipe fittings and various control knobs have been added and everything has been painted. The lighting could be improved, but this is just and intermediate step. water heater render A detailed shot. water heater cartoon Here is the final “cartoonified” version. The gremlins aren’t quite sure what to think of this item. Hot Water

10 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 713 – Hot Water

  1. It’s amazing how realistic the heater and pipes look after the materials are added. I want to turn off that valve!

    1. Yes, Blender does an amazing job of rendering realistic materials. I still haven’t quite come to the right mix of what realistic details to leave in and/or take out.

  2. Or will their curiosity and mischievousness bring them back?

    1. You are absolutely right, David. I think that valve and the knob on the box will be just too much of a temptation for the gremlins to ignore.

  3. Stay away from my hot water heater guys, I just had it inspected!
    The copper pipes are fantastic!

    1. Coincidentally enough, the water heater showed up in the strip when our real one broke. The initial drawing up above was a quick sketch of the replacement. With a little more work, I could probably get the 3D model to look just like the real thing.

  4. I guess the gremlins stayed out of…HOT WATER!

  5. Well they got out of that one & still broke something

    1. Lucas is accomplished at throwing a monkey wrench into the plan.

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