Pesky Gremlins Comic 629 – Something to Ponder

Something to Ponder

Elmo has placed between the horns of a dilemma.  Does he chose to believe that he has a cat and simply forgotten everything about it OR that someone has broke into his house and left a cat?  Both situations defy logic.  That is until one factors in gremlins.

Today’s web page bonus issue is one of the very first images of Elmo.  This one goes back to early 2015.   Long before I acquired any computer art related items or skill to use them.

Elmo Jaguar E-type xke ink

I don’t happen to recall the exact circumstances of this cartoon but Elmo was working on his Jaguar and it appears to have sneezed on him.

8 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 629 – Something to Ponder

  1. I see the feline tail flick under the nose!

    Kinda looks like Elmo was changing the oil and miscalculated where the bolt was. XD

    1. Trouble is always flicking his tail. This time it will likely result in Fubar trying to with strain a giant sneeze.

      Elmo miscalculating the oil on one of those old Jaguars is certainly a possibility. If I recall, they hold a LOT of oil and are renowned for leaking it everywhere.

  2. I believe they are called cat burglars. They’ve been infecting homes with cats for ages.

    Well at least the car didn’t decide to run over Elmo.

    1. Cat Burglar! Oh how I wish how I had thought of that when I was writing this little series. That would have made such a GREAT punchline!

      To run over Elmo would require the Jaguar to move. I don’t think that the Jaguar or Corvette has served as anything more than gremlin furniture for a long time. I guess I need to have Elmo show up more often.

      1. I thought Cat burglars stole cats?

        1. I think that it would be a much greater crime to break in and leave a cat.

  3. Assuming Gremlins do not actually exist it seems more likely that the Cat is a CIA Operative planted by them to collect information on Elmo’s activities

    1. So the cat would be part of the Cat Intelligence Agency?

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