Announcing the New yet Unimproved Pesky Gremlins Website!

Announcing the New yet Unimproved Pesky Gremlins Website. It is New because this is a brand new website running on state of the art server hardware. It is Unimproved because it contains the same old Pesky Gremlins comics.

10 thoughts on “Announcing the New yet Unimproved Pesky Gremlins Website!

  1. Some things don’t need to be improved!

    1. The old website was seriously broken and needed some improvements. But the cartoons remain (almost) completely unimproved!

  2. The comics need no improvement as they’re top rate.

    1. Hi Tony, Thanks! …but the website was in dire need!

      1. I’m just using now so they look after the technical stuff. I’m a dumb dumb when it comes to that side of things. Plus the cost of hosting now has become pretty pricey after the initial contract period.

        1. Tony, I am not especially knowledgable about the WordPress and Web technology either. That is why the old website crashed and it took me so long to put up a new one. I did find a good hosting service that is very reasonable!

  3. One MUST have a sense of humor to not only own, but work ona Brit8sh car…For FUN ? .J.D.

    1. So true! A sense of humor and LOTS of patience is an essential part of dealing with old British cars.

  4. Just thought I’d visit the site where pesky gremlins hide out, waiting for unsuspecting fools such myself to wander by.

    1. You found it! Now that you found it, I hope to hear from you more often.

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