Mulling It Over Snafu and Fubar ponder Rob, The Computer Bug’s proposal to replace Lucas with himself.
10 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 769 – Mulling It Over”
Tony McGurk
Blatant nepotism Howard. I think the Computer Bug Trade Union needs to be called in
H Stacy
True, but Rob has a pretty thick skin (chitin?) and will get over it quickly.
Does it bug a bug to be a bug?
H Stacy
It might bug the average bug, but Rob, The Computer Bug, is confident in his bug-ness.
David Hurley
Lucas is feeling a heart warm.
H Stacy
t is good to have friends that will speak up for you.
Yep! A nerd trumps a bug every time!
H Stacy
The nerds usually do work out the bugs.
Dana Atnip
And giant bugs are icky! XD
And good job Snafu and Fubar for sticking up for your friend! ^-^
H Stacy
According to my wife, regular bugs are icky. A giant bug that messes with your computers is much greater in its ickyness.
The gremlins may squabble from time to time but have a deep friendship that can not be broken by the likes of Rob, The Computer Bug
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