Sunny Disposition Snafu, who is still in his Winter funk, is in no mood to hear Fubar’s optimistic slant on the weather situation.
12 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 463 – Sunny Disposition”
Some people can be annoyingly cheerful!
H Stacy
Jerry Keslinsky
Leave that boy alone and let him enjoy his grouch. Some people just can’t let a fellow be miserable in peace. 🙂
H Stacy
That sounds like good advise. Snafu seems to be enjoying a good sulking.
Still, with the dull gray days, you’re saving all kind of money not having to run the color generator.
H Stacy
Actually, these strips were done in color but as a last step, I switched it from color to grey scale. Good thing the color generator is cheap to operate! 🙂
David Hurley
Keep on whistling!
H Stacy
Fubar is a habitual whistler. …which also grates on Snafu’s nerves.
Jack of Gulls Comic
A sunny disposition can sometimes melt away the snow.
H Stacy
A sunny disposition does go a long ways. Fubars’s sunny disposition remains undiminished.
Sometimes we just want to sulk in our bad mood! XD
H Stacy
Sometimes its best to let sulkers sulk.
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