Explain It
The gremlins are caught red handed with an item that does not belong to them and the owner desperately wants it back.
Once again, I would like to thank Bret Juliano for letting me use his Dust Bunny Mafia characters in this strip. The Dust Bunnies are truly a joy to draw.
8 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 216 – Explain It”
Heheheheheheheheheh! If his ciggy bends down anymore it’s gonna catch him on fire! XD
H Stacy
Yet one more way that cigarettes are bad for your health.
Sounds like it’s time to run.
H Stacy
They are in a bit of a pickle.
Bret Juliano
Gremlin sandwich with a side of pickle coming up!
H Stacy
Hold the mayo. This will messy enough as it is.
Jerry Keslensky
At least they didn’t take the Tinman’s oil can. Now they only need to axe the right question to change the subject.
H Stacy
That could be tricky, the gremlins will have to be careful what they axe for with these guys.
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