
Seek and Find
Working on the Railroad


Gremlins usually hide in greasy garages or cluttered old aircraft hangars.  Lucas shakes things up a bit and drags the other two outside to TRY and enjoy a Spring day. Remember that the Name the Little Dog Contest is still in progress.   You, the reader, get the opportunity to name the Little Dog! Why should you expend you time with another contest, because there is a prize(s).  Multiple prizes in fact!


5000 cents! * A Commissioned Cartoon that could even appear in Pesky Gremlins! ** A crummy Pesky Gremlins T-shirt (suitable for dusting furniture or wiping up a messy spill)
*For those bad with decimal points and currency exchange rates, 5000 cents = $50 U.S. Dollars
** Subject to be selected by winner but maintain a PG rating

How to enter:

It couldn’t be easier!  Using your favorite communication method, just send me the suggested dog name.  However, I should point out that the following communications method will likely be successful: Comment on the Pesky Gremlins Website (just scroll down) Email: Send me a comment or personal message on Twitter: @PeskyGremlins Send me a message on Facebook: Elmo Glitch Note that the following communications methods will likely be Unsuccessful: Smoke Signals Telegram Telepathy

Results will be announced on Wednesday, May 30.

Watering Hole
Name the Little Dog II
Name the Little Dog