Pesky Gremlins Comic 872 – A Healthy Snack

A Healthy Snack

As a kid, many of us had a hard time believing that vegetables were healthy snacks. Or even snacks at all.

Even the superior artificial intelligence contained within the refrigerator is going to have a hard time convincing a skeptical gremlin that vegetables make good snacks.


With a comic strip starring gremlins, it should come as no surprise that there were lots of aircraft that have appeared over the years. With the exception of all of the World War I aircraft that have their own gallery, here are the rest of the aircraft that have appeared in the Pesky Gremlins comic strip.

Follow the link below to see the Aircraft Illustration Gallery.

Aircraft Illustration Gallery

World War I aircraft illustration gallery

There were a lot of World War I aircraft illustration done for Fubar’s box adventures. This gallery contains many of those illustrations and a few new ones. The aircraft are depicted in a variety of different styles that include ink, color, and a few computer renderings.

Follow the link below to see the World War I Aircraft Illustration Gallery.

World War I Aircraft Illustration Gallery

assorted vehicles illustration gallery

The assorted vehicles illustration gallery contains a large selection of vehicles that have appeared over the years in the Pesky Gremlins comic. There are cars, trucks, and even a train. The illustrations are also done in a variety of different styles including ink, color, and computer rendering.

Follow the link below to see the Assorted Vehicles Illustration Gallery.

Assorted Vehicles Illustration Gallery

Jaguar E-type Gallery

The E-type that resides in the gremlins garage has been drawn, inked, painted, and rendered many times over the course of the Pesky Gremlins Comic strip.  Here is a collection of those Jaguar E-type illustrations that have appeared over the run of the strip.  There also a few new and previously unpublished illustrations!

Follow the link below to view the Jaguar E-type Illustration Gallery.

Jaguar E-type Illustration Gallery

Announcing the New yet Unimproved Pesky Gremlins Website. It is New because this is a brand new website running on state of the art server hardware. It is Unimproved because it contains the same old Pesky Gremlins comics.