Pesky Gremlins Comic – Backgrounds: Jaguar XKE

Backgrounds: Jaguar XKE

Of course, the other car that resides in the garage that the gremlins live in is a Jaguar XKE (aka E-Type).  The Jaguar is significant for two reasons.  First, it is the “vehicle” that brought the gremlins into Elmo’s garage.  Second, a real life Jaguar served as the inspiration for the gremlins.  Like the Corvette, I have model which often is the starting place for one of the Jaguar drawings.  I should also point out that the internet is filled with Jaguar images and has a number of dedicated websites that also prove useful.

Jaguar E-type xke model

Sharp eyed car types will probably notice that this model is not the same as the one that appears in the comic strip.  The model is a Series II while the one in the strip is a Series III.  That OK, I just draw around it.  Lots of references out there to fill in the missing or incorrect details.

Jaguar E-type xke ink

Above is and older drawing done with lots of black in kind of a comic book style.  I fixed the differing headlights and grill details to make it a Series III and cut and pasted the hood (known as a “bonnet” to Jaguar aficionados) to a more realistic angle.  However, there was a problem with this older drawing.  It did not really translate well to the color that I am currently using in the comic strip.  So…

pepp Jaguar E-type xke illustration

With the use of the computer, it was relatively quickly altered and painted to fit in with what the strip looks like now.  This almost always happens when I go to reuse an older background drawing.  It takes about the same amount of time to do a completely new cartoon, so that is why there are not many backgrounds that get reused.

Here are a couple more Jaguar images that appeared last Summer.

Jaguar E-type xke illustration

Jaguar E-type xke illustration rear view

11 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic – Backgrounds: Jaguar XKE

  1. Turned out great!

    1. Thanks David! It’s one of my favorite subjects.

  2. Such a beautiful car, and your drawings do it justice.

    1. Thank you Peter! It is definitely in the top 10 of best looking cars (at least on my list) 🙂

      1. Enzo Ferrari called it the most beautiful car he had ever seen when it first debuted.

        1. Enzo should know. He produced quite a few beautiful cars himself.

  3. Great work! I’ve been wondering if you have a background in drafting…

    1. Thank you RG. I did take some mechanical drawing classes MANY years ago. But I would honestly have to say that I really don’t have much background in drafting or art in general.

      1. Interestingly, I took mechanical drafting classes many years ago as well. But what do you mean you have no background in art? Your mechanical drawings and your comic art is of the highest caliber.

        1. Thank you Peter! what I meant was that I have not had any formal training or real experience with art. This just something that I enjoy doing. 🙂

        2. I would not have guessed that you didn’t have any formal art training.

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