And the Winner is…
The Wicked Witch is CERTAIN that she will be the recipient of an Oscar for her performance in the Wizard of Oz. But will she?
The Wicked Witch is CERTAIN that she will be the recipient of an Oscar for her performance in the Wizard of Oz. But will she?
8 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 241 – And the Winner is…”
Jerry Keslensky
We now know that besides not having a heart, the Tin Man is soused to the eyeballs. Perhaps vodka is a rust preventative ?
H Stacy
Yes, the Tinman is indeed… well lubricated!
David Hurley
Hey we finally got the monkey to smile!
H Stacy
Hey, your right. I didn’t even realize that until now. There should be more of that coming
Can’t wait for the rampage and fireball tantrum! Cue the wicked witch music, boys! FOOM! da de da de da daaaaaaaa FOOM! da de da de daaaaaa, da de da de da daaaaaaaa FOOM! ‘orcestra jumps up trying to put out blazing pants’
H Stacy
Unlike the Tinman’s heart, the Tinman, being made of metal, is impervious to fireball tantrums. However, rust still presents a problem.
The Tinman is going to pay for this.
H Stacy
Wait, the Witch’s troubles are not over just yet.