Pesky Gremlins Comic 323 – What’s His Name

What’s His Name

The Amazoogle group interview continues with what should be a VERY simple question.

8 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 323 – What’s His Name

  1. My name José Jiménez. Wrong !!! We want to know your Amazoogle name. My name is Prime Member number OI-812. Correct.

    1. Amazoogle knows all, sees all, and of course never misinterprets data!

  2. You can’t argue with that, lol! 😉

    1. It was such an easy question!

  3. I guess the correct answer would be, what name do you want me to be?

    1. Without giving away too much, “Todd” has the cards stacked against him…

  4. Ha-Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahahaha! Kenny’s crackin’ me up! Looks like he’s about to have some sort of conniption or sumpin! Heheheheheheheheheheheheheheh! 😆

    1. Yep, Kenny is up to sumpin!

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