Stormy Start
Slim, the plastic glow-in-the-dark skeleton, has a good laugh at the gremlins expense and then reveals the real title of his spooky story.
For those that missed Slim’s introduction last year, here is a link that will take you to the first Slim comic:
8 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 259 – Stormy Start”
Next stop, The Twilight Zone!
H Stacy
They are already there! Although Fubar might not realize it just yet.
David Hurley
Staring a rascally gremlin!
H Stacy
Maybe there will be more than just one rascally gremlin (hint, hint)
Jerry Keslensky
Damn fine plot twist. This looks like a first rate horror flick. Bravo ! Pass the popcorn.
H Stacy
Thanks J.P. That was just the look I was going for. Hopefully, I can keep it going for the rest of this story.
Yaaaaaaaaaaay! I’ve been waiting for this since I saw him get smacked in the face with a flying monkey! ‘snort’ (flying monkey) ‘snicker’
H Stacy
Well, here it is! I have lots of material stored up for this and will be doing daily updates…