Pesky Gremlins Comic 872 – A Healthy Snack

A Healthy Snack

As a kid, many of us had a hard time believing that vegetables were healthy snacks. Or even snacks at all.

Even the superior artificial intelligence contained within the refrigerator is going to have a hard time convincing a skeptical gremlin that vegetables make good snacks.

6 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 872 – A Healthy Snack

  1. Carrots are rather sweet and munchy.

    1. Yes, but wouldn’t you really rather have a Twinkie?

      1. A Twinkie certainly would outlast a carrot. It’d probably outlast us all.

        1. Another compelling reason to go with the Twinkie!

  2. Now that is smart!

    1. Who wouldn’t want an edible taproot?

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