Pesky Gremlins Comic 739 – Brilliant Idea

Brilliant Idea

The Mummy pitches Slim his brilliant idea for a Halloween sequel.  Is it good enough for Slim to break his strict no sequels policy?  Obviously not, but the Mummy did get Slim to at least consider it.

Once again, here are the links to the Slim’s past Halloween stories:

The Twilight Zone Gremlin (2017)

The Werewolf  (2018)

The Mummy (2019)

The Blob (2020)

Here are some of character sheets that were done for this cartoon.  The monsters loose a little something when there get grouped together, so here they are individually.

Character Sheet

Slim Blob Mummy Werewolf Twilight Zone Gremlin

4 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 739 – Brilliant Idea

  1. Might not be a bad idea for a sequel!

    1. It is an idea that is so bad that it might be good.

  2. Give them some candy before they leave!

    1. The Blob would clean us out of candy and I am not certain that they will actually leave.

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