Robot Rumors #2

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Pesky Gremlins Comic 177 – Robot Rumors #2

Robot Rumors #2

More robot rumors from the internet!  

Also, I was extremely fortunate to receive this cartoon from Bret Juliano of Dust Bunny Mafia fame on his cartoon’s fifth anniversary!  Please join me in wishing Bret and the Dust Bunnies a happy fifth anniversary.

Bret Juliano Fan Art

I plan to frame this cartoon and place it with several other original webcartoons that I have hanging near my drawing board.  Thanks Bret!  Fan art is always welcome here at Pesky Gremlins!

2 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 177 – Robot Rumors #2

  1. She’s an agile design, they just plan on regular updates to the software. She just has to stick her finger in a wall socket to receive the downloads.

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