Pesky Gremlins Comic 810 – Try Again

Try Again

Seeing how hard the refrigerator AI took not being able to fulfill his request, Fubar tries again.

7 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 810 – Try Again

  1. That fridge may need some training in appropriate soda inventory management skills.

    1. Yes, there may be some holes in the AI refrigerator’s training.

  2. Hopefully Fubar is getting closer to having a drink!

    1. If Fubatr really wants a drink now, he should settle for the cold glass of water option.

  3. I’m glad to see Pesky Gremlins updating again. Unfortunately, I think the gremlins may have gotten to the site’s RSS feed code. I see updates for new cars and planes being added to the gallery, very nice artwork by the way, but no sign of the actual main comic updating. I had to go check on the home page to know that there was a new episode.

    1. Thanks for the heads up and kind words. I have to admit that I haven’t looked into the RSS feed since the site has been rebuilt. The site uses an updated theme which handles the comic posts in significantly different manner. I will have to see how to get the RSS feed turned on for the comic posts. Thanks again for letting me know that it needs some attention.

    2. After doing some research into how this theme works, I discovered that this site is putting out 2 RSS feeds.

      The first RSS feed is the standard URL – Which is what the old Pesky Gremlins website used for it’s RSS feed. However, the new theme just puts out the blog posts to this URS.

      The second RSS feed is the URL – This second URL is now where the comics are now at.

      You were right when you said that the gremlins had gotten into the sites RSS Feed code!
      Sorry about the confusion.

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