Stick to the Script II The old gremlin is a little put out that Fubar has inadvertently stolen one of his best scenes.
8 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 267 – Stick to the Script II”
David Hurley
Ha, accidents happen!
H Stacy
Fubar always claims that the bad stuff he does is an accident. Some of them have been much worse than this!
Gremlin envy?
H Stacy
That sounds like the perfect term for this situation.
Jerry Keslensky
Something is about to hit the fan (blade).
H Stacy
The Connie that these guys are flying on has 4 of those to choose from. It literally can’t miss.
Heheheheheheheheheheheheheh! [A gremlin is sabotaging a gremlin] ‘snicker’
H Stacy
Kind of a Spy vs. Spy in the Sky!