UnElves Gremlins can be very territorial. They take a dim view of anyone caught messing with THEIR victim (aka Elmo).
10 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 443 – UnElves”
David Hurley
It’s the Santa hats.
H Stacy
Santa hats make most anything Christmasy.
Jerry Keslinsky
It is a good piece of suburban wisdom to not mess with the yard gnomes. In this case they bite.
H Stacy
Sound advice indeed!
They’re just puffy from too much Thanksgiving turkey.
H Stacy
That they are, but it works to their advantage in this situation.
Heheheheheheheheheheh! Looks more like ‘dis’ elves to me!
H Stacy
Ooh, I like that one better.
Give em the moon!
H Stacy
Fubar does seem to be mooning them.