Pesky Gremlins Comic 775 – Spontaneous Combustion

Spontaneous Combustion

While Rob, The Computer Bug, is gone, his influence on the household’s computers lingers on.

8 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 775 – Spontaneous Combustion

  1. The work of the computer bug, or a fire bug?

    1. Either way, their going to need a new keyboard.

  2. Rant on, poor Lucas. Rant on.

    Gotta admit, I really like bug’s ‘we’ll dern shore put a stop to that’ stance as he marches off.

    1. The Computer Bug really loves his work. I can’t say that the neighbors will feel the same.

  3. It’s getting a little smoky in here!

    1. That room got a little smoky, but fortunately, keyboards don’t burn very long.

  4. Did any of you guys make sure the smoke alarm ain’t gunna work?

    1. The smoke detectors went off a moment later. Thereby earning a spot on the gremlins list of future projects.

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