Pesky Gremlins Comic – Backgrounds: AMC Gremlin

Backgrounds: AMC Gremlin

The third in this series is the AMC Gremlin. The AMC Gremlin was and is a funny car in real life and, as such, was an inevitable addition to the Pesky Gremlins strip. The example in the strip is a 1974 Gremlin X. The Gremlin X was the performance oriented model of AMC’s Gremlin. This particular Gremlin X serves as Elmo’s daily driver. So unlike the other two cars, which spend most of their time safely protected in Elmo’s garage and serving as expensive easy chairs for the gremlins, the AMC Gremlin sees lots of commuter time and grocery-getter duty. This, of course, draws the gremlins attention to the err.. AMC Gremlin.  Snafu and Lucas appear in several cartoons poking holes in the radiator, loosening accessory belts, and emptying the AC coolant. Fubar has some reservation about breaking stuff in general and the AMC Gremlin in particular.

Here are a few more AMC Gremlin X backgrounds

AMC Gremlin illustration

AMC Gremlin  illustration rear view

11 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic – Backgrounds: AMC Gremlin

  1. We had several Gremlins in our auto shop class in high school. We used them as practice for disassembly. Tearing out steering columns and radiators. They were terrible cars.

    1. I have no real life experience with any AMC Gremlins and have not seen a running one in a LONG time. I would kind of like to see one up close just to see what they are like.

  2. At the time they were interesting and unique. Not quite as unique as the Pacer, but certainly a better match for your characters.

    1. I considered using an AMC Pacer for Elmo’s daily driver since I know someone that has one. But, given the circumstances, I really had to go with the AMC Gremlin.

  3. They were perfectly named. If you owned one, you were certain a little green mischievous monster was included as standard equipment. My favorite wacky car was the VW Thing. They looked right out of a WWII movie just missing the rear mounted machine gun.

    1. The AMC Gremlin even had a pretty good rendition of a gremlin in its trim. There was a little chrome gremlin on them.

      Also, I saw a VW Thing dressed up as a WWII German vehicle at a car show last Summer. I really should have taken a picture of it.

  4. It was a little faster than other economy cars (VW Beetle, and Ford Pinto) but with slightly less fuel economy. Still, a pretty good balance since its acceleration was better. My uncle had one and he abused it terribly. It just kept going and going…

    1. I am told that AMC 6 cylinder engine was pretty tough. Especially compared to what was being put into Pintos and Vegas at that time.

      Did the Gremlin survive your uncle?

      1. Well, I think he sold it when he went to Tennessee. Not sure how it was running then since I didn’t get to see him much in my college years. It was going strong during my teens though.

  5. I’m late to this one but I remember the first time I heard about a Gremlin. (The car I mean) It was in an episode of Clarissa explains it all and Clarissa wanted one. Her mother assumed she was talking about an Actual gremlin. Also we aren’t supposed to feed the cars gas and oil after midnight right ?

    1. Better late than never. I have not seen that particular episode, guess I should see if I can find it somewhere.

      I am not sure if the after midnight rule applies to the AMC Gremlins or not. But I have never seen one at a gas station after midnight.

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