Pesky Gremlins Comic 444 – Just Add Air

Just Add Air

Ringing in the holiday spirit and with hopes of having the neighborhood’s most intensive display, Elmo’s neighbor air up their inflatable army of toy soldiers.

9 thoughts on “Pesky Gremlins Comic 444 – Just Add Air

  1. Time for a pin attack!

    1. My preference would be to go for the fuse box.

  2. OK. We have now established that Elmo lives next door to a crazy demented nutcracker loving wack job.

    1. I couldn’t have put it any better than that. 🙂

  3. Looks like things are escalating…

    1. Tis the season for decoration escalations! 🙂

  4. Just watch your nuts, then you’ll be fine.

    1. That would have been much funnier if they would have been nutcrackers. But, my faulty memory forgot they were toy soldiers.

      1. Well, they are toy soldiers FROM the Nutcracker.

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